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17 Dangerous Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat

Those who own dogs will be accustomed to having a shadow when working at the kitchen counter while making a meal for the day. They simply wait and await for something to fall their way as they sit there with puppy dog eyes. Most of us are powerless to resist giving them a taste of whatever we are now preparing.

 Dangerous Foods For Your Dog

Despite the fact that our dogs may appear to want what we have more than anything else, this does not mean that they should be given it. Their digestive systems don't operate the same way as ours. We humans consume a lot of stuff that animals cannot digest or are hazardous to.

Knowing what your dog should and shouldn't eat is crucial if you have one and there's a chance you'll share some of your food with them.

This article discusses the most popular human foods that dogs shouldn't consume and why doing so is harmful to them.

Dangerous Foods That Your Dog Shouldn’t Eat:

Dogs are simple creatures that only require meat to survive. However, they can obtain some healthy nutrients from fruits and vegetables. Selective feeding is required, and great care must be taken to ensure that the food is safe.
1. Alcohol

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A beer or a glass of wine can go a long way after a long day. Alcoholic beverages and foods, even those with minute amounts of alcohol, can seriously harm your dog. It may result in nausea and diarrhea.

Similar to humans, it will cause central nervous system depression and even lead to respiratory problems, tremors, coma, and even death. Simply put, their body is not designed to process alcohol. Contact your veterinarian or the Animal Poison Control Center right away if you suspect that your pet has consumed alcohol.


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Although avocados may be a superfood for humans, dogs typically don't enjoy them. Although they don't struggle with it as much as horses and birds do, it is still difficult for them to digest. It can lead to cardiovascular problems if used in big amounts.


Image Credit: sheris9, Shutterstock

Canines cannot be given bones? What about all the bones that pet shops around the nation sell? Have we been feeding our dogs harmful food all this time?

Not necessary, I say. Bones that have been roasted and originate directly from animals are distinct from bones that have been processed by pet food manufacturers. Even though they can splinter, bird bones shouldn't ever be given to your dog. Instead, offer them bones from animals like livestock. Cooked bones shouldn't be given to them since they may splinter and become lodged in their throats.


Image Credit: Alexas_Fotos, Pixabay

Our dogs shouldn't survive only on coffee, but we might. Methylxanthines are a chemical found in caffeine. Your dog may experience vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst, urination, panting, hyperactivity, tremors, seizures, and even death if they consume it. Simply put, you get to enjoy your coffee on your own.


Image Credit: Alexas_Fotos, Pixabay

Essentially, sugar is harmful and unnecessary in your dog's diet. You might occasionally be able to let them taste a tiny bit of anything sweet, but even a tiny bit too much can have negative effects. Candy's sugars and preservatives have been shown to raise heart rate and hyperactivity. They risk developing diabetes and gaining unhealthful amounts of weight if they binge eat.


Image Credit: anncapictures, Pixabay

Due to the fact that the cacao seed used to manufacture chocolate also includes methylxanthines, it falls under both the categories of confectionery and coffee. Dogs should never be allowed to enjoy chocolate because it is highly poisonous for them. Along with baking chocolate, dark chocolate has the highest amount of cacao and is therefore the most hazardous. You shouldn't give your dog any chocolate, not even white chocolate, which has the fewest methylxanthines.

7.Citrus fruit

Image Credit: Condruzfm, Pixabay

You may have seen footage of people attempting to feed a lemon to their dog. While amusing and enjoyable, it is not the best option for your dog's long-term health. Citric acid is present in citrus fruits. These essential oils irritate and perhaps slightly enlarge the mouth and throat of your dog.

They may develop central nervous system depression if they consume too much citrus plant material. But for this to happen, they have to eat a lot of citrus fruit. Small amounts are unlikely to cause them any issues than a stomach ache.


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In contrast to chocolate or coffee, coconut does not require extreme caution. In moderation, coconut and its byproducts shouldn't be harmful to your pet. Sometimes, the fresh milk from a coconut can result in diarrhea and loose stools. When giving your dog anything that contains coconut, it is advisable to use caution.

9.Grapes (That Includes Raisins)

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For dogs, raisins and grapes are highly poisonous. Scientists are still trying to determine what chemical in grapes is causing the reaction. However, even modest amounts of grapes or raisins in your dog's diet can result in kidney failure.

10.Macadamia Nuts

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Do you ever want for a taste of Hawaii's warm coastlines? Although macadamia nuts are a delightful and satisfying snack for humans, they are almost lethal to dogs. They result in tremors, sadness, vomiting, limb weakness, and even heat. These symptoms normally start to appear 12 hours after they eat the nut, although they usually don't persist longer than 48 hours.

11.Dairy Products

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Dogs and cats, for example, are unable to significantly break down lactose. They lack the lactase enzyme, which is necessary for optimal protein digestion. This frequently causes diarrhoea and vomiting. You shouldn't feed cheese, dairy-based sauces, or milk to your dog.


Image Credit: Couleur, Pixabay

Give no nuts of any kind to your dog. Because they are a legume and not a nut, peanuts are not included in this.

If consumed in excess, nuts like almonds, pecans, and walnuts all contribute to pancreatitis. They are rich in fats and oils, which frequently result in vomiting and diarrhea.

13.Onions and Garlic

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Any plant in the Allium family in general might irritate the digestive tract. It may eventually cause anemia and damage to the red blood cells over time. Even more susceptible to the harmful effects of vegetables like onions, chives, and garlic are cats. Dogs can also get very ill from overeating.

14.Undercooked Meat and Eggs

Image Credit: Zontica, Shutterstock

You might believe that because your dog's mighty wolf ancestors could attack and consume practically any animal raw, there shouldn't be a problem with raw meat. Dogs have developed over time, though, and many of the mechanisms that allow them to consume raw meals have vanished.

Salmonella and E. coli-causing germs may be present in raw meat and eggs. These can quickly cause intestinal problems for your dog. Avidin is an additional enzyme found in raw eggs. The capacity of your pet to absorb biotin is reduced by this enzyme. That eventually causes problems with the skin and coat.

15.High-Sodium Foods

Image Credit: Georgia Vagim, Unsplash

Nowadays, a lot of our foods are salty. However, giving your dog a lot of salt to eat is not a good idea. Similar to humans, it causes excessive thirst and urine.

The accumulation of too much sodium ion in your dog's body finally results in poisoning. Diarrhea, vomiting, sadness, a rise in body temperature, tremors, and possibly death are among the symptoms. Pretzels, potato chips, and salty popcorn should not be given to dogs.


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A sweetener, xylitol can be either artificial or natural. To improve the flavor of various items, we use it. That includes toothpaste, gum, candy, and baked products. Unfortunately, if our pets consume too much of it, it results in an abnormal release of insulin and can induce liver failure. If ingested steadily over a long period of time, it might potentially result in hypoglycemia.

If your dog reacts to it violently straight away, it will appear as vomiting, sluggishness, and loss of coordination. Seizures could also develop as a result of the symptoms. Bring your pet to the veterinarian right away if you see any of these.


Image Credit: Cristian Storto, Shutterstock

Gas and pressure discomfort might result from yeast dough in your dog's system. It may result in bloating, which, if the intestines twist as a result, may be a life-threatening emergency. Never give raw bread dough or bread made with yeast to your dog.

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